Thursday, April 26, 2012

April Almost Over Gunner is Still Here & Recalls

April went by really fast. Our foster dog Gunner is still here and here I go doing exactly what I wanted to avoid.... getting attached to the Big Dog. He is just so smart and sweet. While still having a lot of those puppy/ youngee qualities he is also learning so much. Still crate training he has earned more latitude around the house and has a good recall. He continues to learn from the other dogs. This morning he watched as I was giving the other dogs their breakfast and once he swa his dish... he headed straight to his crate, sat quite proper and waited for his dish to be "delivered".  He just ran in to give me a quick face lick and tell anyone reading this "Hi".  For more pictures just click on the Rescue Link at the bottom of our Home page.

Luke and Alex are over the bug they had last week so all is back to calm in our home. Thank you to those of you who asked.

I had a few private lessons this week and while I continually talk of fundamentals... including Gunner's ever improving recall... I reminded myself of a few things.  Those of you with newly acquired dogs or dogs that you've had for a while and are still struggling with a recall please take note: Don't take you dog off leash too soon. They need to earn the privilege of being off leash. That privilege should be earned through you training recalls... and not just for agility. A good recall will keep them from chasing that rabbit, squirrel, bird or... and more importantly A good recall is one of the top most important ways to keep your dogs safe. 

It is also one of the many ways in which you and your dog will grow together and get ever closer to be able to Run As One.

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