Sunday, October 9, 2011

Thanks To My Friends

     I would of course be re-miss if I did not say thank you to a few close friends who have encouraged and have supported me to move ahead with Run As One!  Jenny and Tim are the techno masters and I know you probably think they are geeks or something just because they are so computer savvy. Fact is they are not. They are just normal folks. Jenny is a brain surgeon or neurologist, I mean every neighbor hood has one right?  and Tim is ... ok a computer guy.  But he's not a geek. Well at least not in the deprecating sense of the word. He's my brother of sorts!

     The real test of our friendship apparently has not yet occurred although I'm sure it was tested in setting up the website. How do I know this? Well, they have yet to get blamed for when something happens to the blog or the site or.... I don't think they know I just don't like to take blame. I'm from the David Letterman school of..well... he once said: "I find it best to blame someone else". :)
     What does this have to do with Dog Agility you ask? They are Inceptive (I know... I found it in a Thesaurus) Members of Run As One....AND... they have 3 Border Collie/Mixes whom all run agility.
Yes, they all Run As One!

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